Day 29/365

{Wednesday, 10th April}

The countdown has begun, no not counting down to when the kid goes back to school, (I haven’t got to that stage this time, surprisingly), but the kid has started to countdown on how many days left he has until his birthday (23 to be exact), he say’s he can’t wait. Oh god.

Hmmm, this is where I come unstuck as I just haven’t a clue what to get him, and I have asked. His response was a laptop, yes a laptop. Why? And no, he’s not having one before you ask.

Kids are growing up way too fast these days, they know how to operate the iPhone, iPad, television, anything gadgetery they can lay claim to, and they know the insides of a duck’s arse about it, and will explain it in full to you whether you care to listen or not. Arrrrrrrghhhh!!!! I just want to scream ‘WHY CAN’T YOU ACT YOUR AGE’ and not in a stupified manner, but literally act your age, and live the life of how a youngster should act. I swear I was still playing with My Little Pony at 7-8 and anything near to having a computer game was PacMan, and I wouldn’t have been interested in that anyway. I loved books, was a certifiable bookwarm at his age, I loved anything creative, so that was another easy one for me, but we’re not talking about me here.

So yes, he won’t appreciate books (his argument is he gets them from his school library, fair enough), anything creative lasts ooh all of 5 minutes. Arrrrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I’m seemingly lost, no kidding. But I have 23 days to find something. Wish me luck…I’m going to need it.

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Oh how can you resist that face?

A laptop he asks…

No, no, no, okeeeey, no, NO. A defiant, definitely not.

Keep saying this, my mantra for the next 23 days.

End of.

[I’ll update you with what I end up with]

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